A 15 year old Indian teenager, Ramandeep Singh accidently shot himself in the head with his father's .32 revolver while endeavoring to take a selfie on Friday evening. He was posing with his older sister with the gun held to his head when he
pulled the gun’s trigger in lieu of clicking the camera button on his phone.
He was taken to a private hospital in Punjab with the bullet still lodged in his head after neighbours aurally perceived the gunshot and alerted his parents, who were not home at the time.
On Sunday, the city's deputy police superintendent, Manoj Kumar, verbalized the 15-year-old is being treated in a hospital at Pathankot in Punjab state and was expected to survive.
Kumar verbally expressed:
"The boy's father and family verbally expressed that he was endeavoring to take a selfie with his gun," he verbally expressed.
"We will verbalize with the boy when he is declared medically fit.
We cerebrate that component of the inculpation conspicuously goes to the father for not keeping his loaded gun under lock and key at their home."
However, tardy Sunday night, Kumar corroborated that the teenager didn't make it, he succumbed to his injuries and died.
A man was solemnly injured in April by an elephant when he endeavored to snap a selfie with the chained animal at a festival in Kerala, according to the Hindustan Times on Sunday.
There have been so many incidents about teenagers getting killed or injured while endeavoring to take selfies.
Police in India have identified 16 perilous selfie spots in Mumbai and asked the local council to erect warning signs and deploy lifeguards.
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