Sunday, May 22, 2016

T.B at it again in today's Church service.

The senior pastor, and founder of the synagogue church of all nation has today again made some prophesies at his church auditorium today.
He further predicted the fall of Nigeria, he pagd

 Nigerians should be preparing for excessive drought and dryness. He also proclaimed that president Mohammad Buhari would find it difficult to rule Nigeria. 

He further proclaimed himself as the ground master of seer. 
The prophet condemned the Egypt plane crash though claimed he had seen it before it happened.

He also said that among all the countries expected to conduct elections that 45% of the countries would experience chaos and split blood. 

The authenticity of his prophesies are measured by his church members.

They all received divine visitations from holy spirit and were all filled with joy. 

The pastor was previously named in arm robbery in Ghana

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