The first Navy drone ship is a 132-foot ACTUV (Antisubmarine warfare Perpetual Trail Unmanned Vessel) kenned as Sea Hunter, which cost around $120 million to build. The military verbally expresses more can now be engendered for $20 million or so each.
But some are concerned that with no humans at the controls, these “robot ships” could be hacked, pwned remotely, and utilized by America's enemies to assail the Amalgamated States.
Sea Hunter will be tasked with patrolling the oceans ecumenical to detect and track enemy submarines. Sea Hunter does this without even one human on board, and can track an enemy sub for thousands of miles, months at a time out at sea.
“[The Sea Hunter] as the unique capability to go out, to visually perceive other vessels operating potentially in our own waters,” DARPA's Jared Adams told heralds who met with military officials in San Diego to view the vessel on Monday.
Sea Hunter will be the focus of joint DARPA/Navy test operations over the next two years off the California coast.
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