The abandonment of a boy by name Yamato Tanooka in Japan has led to disappearing of the boy into thin air. The missing Seven-year-old boy Yamato Tanooka was found in the military barracks
near Shikabe town in northern Hokkaido, not far from where he was last seen on Saturday.
The Search teams including the Self-Defence Forces (SDF) who were rendering help in looking for the innocent child have been combing the remote area, home to brown bears, for a week. But they never found trace of Yamato and their hopes were beginning to fade off.
To God be the glory, around 7:49 on Friday morning, he was found inside a building at an SDF base only a few kilometres from where he was left.
Local media say he is believed to have been sheltering there since Saturday night.
The boy was found by an SDF official on a drill, a police spokesman told the AFP news agency.
"There was no conspicuous external injury, and the boy introduced himself as Yamato Tanooka," he said.
He looked to be in good health but was taken to hospital by a medical helicopter.
Though police are still on it that the parent could face a charge of negligence, but the Joy that they've seen their boy filled their heart.
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